Montag, 14. Juni 2021



Welcome to ASRA, the racing league.

We are excited about new members and help the best we can. If you want to participate, you need to know the code, know the basic rules and sign up for an event or championship. 

+ Code:

+ Basic Rules:

+ FAQ:

+ Infos:

Feel free to introduce yourself!

Introducing ASRA

New year, new organisation.

Dear all, we have created a new organisation and present to you All Sports Racing Art, ASRA.

The organisation serves our racing network and provides a platform to realise our ideas.

We will use instant messaging and social media for our communication. The reasons being the superior functions of instant messaging and social media. So if you do not have an account on the platforms we use please catch up. You do not have to be on both platforms. One of them suffices.

Also, we have put together a media package and a basic rulebook which addresses the most important rules which have crystallised over the years.

Overall, the new organisation is an effective and efficient addition to our network.

We look forward to enjoying racing with our creative, constructive, passionate and sustainable community.